How to cancel your Subscription:
Open the Settings app on an iOS device where you are signed in to the Apple ID used to start your free trial or subscription with Wellest
Tap your name at the top
Tap Subscriptions
You’ll see a list of the subscriptions tied to your Apple ID
If Wellest: Your Health Autopilot is listed in the Active list, tap it to edit your subscription
Tap Cancel Subscription and confirm your cancelation
If Wellest: Your Health Autopilot is listed in the Expired list, your subscription is no longer active and no further action is required
When Active, your subscription will automatically renew at the same price unless you turn off auto-renewal at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
When you cancel your subscription, access to Wellest will not expire until the end of your current subscription period
The date when your access will expire is shown below the Cancel Subscription button when following the steps above
What's Next?
We'd appreciate hearing what went well and what didn't with Wellest. Drop us a note about your experience at