Release Notes | 1.10.3

"What's New?" | Release Notes for iOS Version 1.10.3

Chris @ Wellest avatar
Written by Chris @ Wellest
Updated over a week ago

Wellest now includes a series of new visualizations to prioritize different aspects of your plan. On ‘Your Day’, there are new energy balance, nutrition, and activity focused views. Filling up the rings and progress bars will keep you on course to your goals. To monitor progress and plan for the week ahead, ‘Look Back’ and ‘Look Ahead’ reports were added as well. Explore them on the ‘Planner’ screen.

To complement the exploration into past, present, and future plan progress, we added a new goal graph throughout the app that shows the ETA, change in body measurements, and planned adjustments to energy balance from now until your goal.

We also updated the ingredient quantity entry to prioritize exact quantity logging, while keeping the Wellest AI recommended quantity one tap away. At any point, clear the quantity field and Wellest will suggest a quantity to meet your macronutrient targets for the meal you’re editing. Expand the auto-quantity controls to set additional restrictions on quantity for Wellest to consider.

eg. “I’d like to eat between 2 and 4 eggs for breakfast. What would be the best quantity?”

In addition, we created the ability to apply Wellest’s AI to deliver custom activity, energy, and nutrition protocols, instead of using the Wellest defaults. Reach out via in-app chat if you want to discuss applying a custom protocol to your plan.

Check out the improvements in detail below and reach out to us via in-app chat to let us know what you think.

~ The Wellest Team

Notable Improvements


• Updated energy, macronutrient, and activity target displays to separate each into a specific view, focusing and prioritizing the most important data

• Added a ‘Look Back’ report to review progress, trends, and receive insights from your recently completed events

• Added a ‘Look Ahead’ report to show the upcoming week’s plan, expected progress, and changes from your latest plan update

• Added a graph to display the ETA, expected body change, and energy balance from now until achieving goals

• Updated the ingredient quantity entry workflow and nutrient detail display to prioritize exact quantity entry but always have Wellest’s recommendation one tap away

• Added the ability for Wellest’s AI to guide users through their own protocols, instead of using Wellest’s default protocol

Additional Improvements


• Updated the goal screen and goal start alert to include the new goal graph

• Updated the estimated first week display on goal speed with a new design

• Improved support for the entry of and recommended quantities of liquid ingredients

• Updated Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) to be allocated at the beginning of each day instead of slowly throughout the day

• When resuming use of Wellest from the background after a sustained period of idling, users will be returned to ‘Today’ instead of their last location



• Fixed daylight saving time change interfering with plan updates

• Fixed minor discrepancies in Goal ETAs between ‘Plan’ and ‘Goals’ screens for some users

• Fixed body measurement projections for users with goal speed overrides conflicting with selected goals

• Fixed incorrect default bedtime when skipping ‘Lifestyle’ during onboarding

• Fixed showing ‘Conflicts with Goals’ for some users who created a goal they already achieved

• Fixed meals not being marked as ‘Complete’ when the ‘Actual’ was cleared, re-populated with new ingredients, and marked as ‘Complete’ without saving

• Fixed a scenario where unnecessary confirmation prompts may be displayed when deleting depending on ‘Lifestyle’ settings

• Fixed the ‘Delete’ button being partially hidden when using ‘Mark As’ on some devices

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